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About Aude

Aude Bauserman learned to ride as a child living in Europe. She lived and trained in England, France and Germany. Aude believes that dressage is a fundamental component to every horse and riders success even if there primary focus is jumping, eventing, foxhunting or dressage. Aude goal is to share her knowledge of classical dressage to both horse an rider in a positive manner and of the highest quality.She draws on her ability to teach and convey her knowledge of dressage on her years of experience as a Biology and French teacher. Fifteen years of classroom experience have shown her the pedagogy that works for riders to be successful learners.

Experience :


-Brevet Fédéral d’Entraîneur Sports Equestres Second Niveau BFESE 2 French Training Certification


- Pony Club Level B, U.K. Pony club 

- Classical French dressage training with Marie-Helene Lelievre.

- Classical French dressage training with Commandant de Padirac from Saumur at L’academie Equestre de Touraine

- Clinics with Nico Van Stigt, Dominique Barbier, Alexa Schulten-Baumer and Charles de Kunffy

-Trained with Regula Lorenz 

-Trained with Linda Konigesberg as well as working student for multiple years.


- Worked and partnered with Karen Evans for Adult clinics.

- Active USDF member

About Aude: Service
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